Judy Choix


Judy is a New York State Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) licensed in Gestalt and body psychotherapy. She is the founder of the Full Gestalt. Believing that the body holds the wisdom to heal itself, her practice combines talk therapy with various forms of energy work to facilitate awareness around malfunctioning energy patterns in a person’s system. Judy is also certified in Integral Somatic Psychotherapy (a master training in body psychotherapy), Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy (a hands-on healing modality), NARM (NeuroAffective Relational Model for healing attachment, relational & developmental trauma), Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (using Internal Family Systems), yoga, as well as having years of training in other various healing modalities such as AEDP, Coherence Therapy, Reiki, Polarity Therapy, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and herbal healing. Her work integrates body, mind, and spirit, reconnecting disenfranchised parts with the whole so individuals can live more authentic lives.

Often, a client is frozen in trauma, either internally or externally induced, and their system deregulates, becoming "offline." Over time, patterns solidify, and the way to healing is elusive. Guiding choices away from polarities and towards the center brings the system back "online," where there is balance and health. Having tools and knowing the language to contact the physical, emotional, and subtle bodies allows the client to be heard, seen, and held on all levels and invites wholeness.





A desperate need to be seen. 
Therapy, counseling, or really seeking help from an external source is not looked upon favorably by my family or by the culture, race, and religion that I grew up in. We are taught to carry our own burdens and worries with himat, or strength. But I had lost all strength and hope in myself and in my relationships. I had a nagging feeling that my only real hope was to find someone who I could connect with and who could actually see me. For someone who has not grown up in my culture and has not faced my struggles, it was so powerful to cross the boundaries of race, religion, gender, politics, etc together and find common ground. We were two completely different people with different backgrounds, yet she understood all the cultural and racial nuances and dynamics that played a part in my life. That is such an incredibly rare quality and skill to have.
After two wonderful years of therapy with Judy, I have made a huge step towards my perfect job, being independent, and having awareness of myself and others around me. 

Thank you for everything, Judy.


I have never made more personal growth than I have with Judy.

In the past, I have always felt like I was simply "venting" my struggles, but Judy has helped me get to the root of those struggles and address them head-on. She makes me feel valued as a person, but more importantly, she has helped me see the value in myself. I have never felt more confident, at peace, and proud of who I am. Judy always reminds me of how much work I have done and how much I have grown, but I have her to thank for showing me that I was capable of doing it.


It's easy enough to talk the talk, as many therapists do.
Judy truly walks the walk, drawing from her own real world experience outside of therapeutic trainings as well as her own practices. She's fully present and her senses are attuned to subtlety. She meets me where I am (it varies session to session) and understands when I need a push versus when I need to slow down--which is something I myself have a hard time discerning. I'd recommend Judy to anyone who is ready for deep healing, but especially to someone who has done a good deal of work already and feels stuck. She's the real deal.


I can be a tough critic and it’s difficult for me to settle for a subpar therapist because I find healing and mental health to be crucial. I feel truly blessed that I became connected with Judy as I look back over the year that I have worked with her and see how far I’ve come. Judy provided the safety and nurturance I needed in order to uncover old wounds and overcome repeated obstacles. She is gifted with the art of language and can speak to me about new ways of seeing.
We have used various gestalt experiments in sessions which create a particular type of movement that other therapies lack. Her background in other modalities, physicality, in particular, has also shaped my perspective on how to mobilize my own internal resources as a means of support, curiosity, and care. What I treasure though, most of all is the abundance of warmth I feel from her in every session. Judy is someone who was meant to do this kind of work and I’ve felt my own life shift because of this. I have already recommended Judy to several people I know and will continue to do so! She is sincerely a gem of a human being and I’m grateful I have her in my corner.


I am so fortunate to have met Judy at a difficult crossroads in my life.

She approaches the healing process as a collaborative partnership. She listens so attentively to what I bring to our sessions and together we discover the issues behind those words. We work through deep trauma and everyday stresses, alike. She helps me locate my voice when I feel mute, and reclaim my power when I feel weak. Judy's skill set is dynamic and vast; her generosity of spirit so far exceeds what I ever expected. Knowing Judy, I never feel alone in facing a problem. She is truly gifted at this healing work!