What is Full Gestalt

Welcome to FULL GESTALT with Judy Choix

I am excited to announce the opening of my private practice as a body psychotherapist on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  I will also be starting a monthly newsletter that intends to inform and educate its readers on the many modalities and dimensions in which we heal body, mind, and Spirit.

In this first newsletter, I would like to explain my work as a body psychotherapist and my particular modality that I have named Full Gestalt.


Full Gestalt is a holistic, multidimensional approach to psychotherapy that fuses talk and energy modalities inviting body, mind, and Spirit into session.  Under supportive, safe and empathic conditions the client gets to explore, experiment and make contact with lost parts of themselves.  Techniques include Gestalt, CranioSacral, yoga, meditation, visualization, aromatherapy, as well as other talk and energy therapies. 

All dis-ease is an imbalance in the system. Some disease shows up in the body as dysregulation of the nervous system and we go through life in a constant physical arousal state that keeps us hyper-vigilant and anxious.  Some dis-ease shows up in the mind, which can cause havoc in relationships since we show up as moody, reactive or hopeless. And, some dis-ease shows up in the psyche leaving us feeling lost or stuck, uncertain on how to go forth in life. All illness has a physical, mental and spiritual component, therefore, any malfunction in one of these dimensions will show up and affect the functioning in the other dimensions.

Early in life, we learn and internalize strategies for coping with our environment. For example "don't get angry it makes mommy nervous" or "don't be such a baby" when showing feelings. A big one for women is the idea we have to please and we don't have the right to say no. Later in life these patterns that were set up to keep us "safe", can get us into trouble, restricting our choices and causing havoc in our energy system.  Energies get held hostage by life’s challenges (past, present & future). Embodied awareness around maladaptive behaviors, thoughts, and core beliefs is key. Identifying and deeply listening to the dimension of the system in crisis mobilizes the frozen, confused, and stuck energies. Once mobilized, they take back their natural flow, connecting once again to the whole revitalizing the system. Life becomes easier. More of “you” is available and present to make choices that lead to a happier, fuller life.  

We suffer not because we are broken but because are out of alignment.  

That being said, it is now an accepted truth that our bodies and organic systems have an innate wisdom to heal.  Brian science has proven that even the most severe past traumas can be erased and disenfranchised parts of self re-membered with a supportive, embodied present-day experience.  Inviting and attuning to all the parts of an individual creates the integration needed for such healing. Balance occurs and with it a sense of wholeness. Living life authentically emerges.

If you are interested in reading more on the effects of trauma and my particular approach that includes the latest neuroscience explaining this work, you can visit my website where you will find my extensive writing on the subject.


If, for any reason you are not interested in this work, please feel free to opt out at the bottom of this page.

Lastly, I would love your feedback.  Any and all comments are welcome!

With love and light,
(917) 338-9592

Judy Choix